27 Avenue de La Fontaine Couverte
Shop open from Monday to Saturday 8h30-12h and 14h-18h30
Friday and saturday 8h30-12h and 14h-19h
Closed on Sunday / Public holiday
Home wholesalers Monday to Friday from 6h to 12h and from 14h to 18h and the Saturday from 6h to 12h

Savoie cheese and specialities


Mainly produced in Haute-Savoie:

Farm-made Savoie Reblochon and Petit Reblochon

  • green casein label
  • processed using milk from the same herd
  • mainly the Abondance breed of cow
  • made in the morning and evening with the second milkings, 365 days a year. Each week, the cheese maturer collects the farm-made reblochons, carries out the maturing process in the cellars, and is responsible for sales based on individual client requirements

Dairy-made Savoie Reblochon and Petit Reblochon

  • red casein labels
  • milk from several herds
  • made once a day, in small village cheese dairies
  • its flavour comes from maturing for at least 16 days, and more often 21 to 30 days Each casein label indicates the dairy’s identification number and a batch number ensuring traceability of Savoie Reblochon cheese from its production to the consumer’s basket.
  • mountain pasture cheese, altitude of between 1,000 and 2,700 m.
  • grass type: flowering meadows and fine high-altitude grass


CE Declaration : Made in France
Country of origin and processing :
Haute-Savoie France
Food establishment approval number : FR 74-281-020 CE


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